Tham khảo Phaseolin

  1. The Bean Seed Storage Protein [beta]-Phaseolin Is Synthesized, Processed, and Accumulated in the Vacuolar Type-II Protein Bodies of Transgenic Rice Endosperm. Z. Zheng, K. Sumi, K. Tanaka and N. Murai, Plant Physiology, Vol 109, Issue 3 777-786
  2. Physicochemical and structural studies of phaseolin from French bean seed. R. J. Blagrove, P. M. Colman, G. G. Lilley, A. Van Donkelaar and E. Suzuki, Plant Foods For Human Nutrition (formerly Qualitas Plantarum), Volume 33, Numbers 2-3, 227-229, doi:10.1007/BF01091313
  3. Osborne, T.B. (1894) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 16 (10), pp 703–712, doi:10.1021/ja02108a012
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